Anxiety. Restlessness. Weakness. Chilly. Midnight aggravation.
Intense thirst for frequent sips. Burning pains > heat.
Periodicity, alternation of symptoms.
oxide of Arsenic.
Mucous membrane - Destructive inflammation.
- Serous membrane - Oedematous inflammation; Copious effusion.
- Kidney - Fatty degeneration, Albuminuria.
- Skin - Eczema, Gangrene.
- Blood - Haemolysis; Haemorrhage.
- Heart - Fatty degeneration; Motor Paralysis.
- Circulation - Vasomotor paralysis.
- Liver - Fatty degeneration; disorganization.
- Lungs - Asthma; Congestion; Malignant Catarrh.
- CNS - Motor and Sensory paralysis; Neuralgia.
- | Cold
fruits, watery fruits, melons ice-cream, ice |
- | Stings of venomous insects |
< | Cold, cold drinks and food
< | Periodically, 14 days, yearly
< | lying on affected side / with head low
mentally, but physically too weak to move, restlessness in affected part.
- | Restlesness, cannot relax, anxious.
- | FEARS being alone, cancer, robbers, poverty, DEATH. Fear of death, comes
at the later stage of disease, thinks it useless to take medicine, disease
is incurable.
- | Worry things will go wrong, anxiety for others.
- | ANXIOUS. Highly sensitive. Anguish. Anxiety about health. Later despair of
recovery. Anorexia nervosa (first remedy) (Nat-m, Sep, Nux-v, Ign, Verat,
Abrot, Sulph).
- | Insecurity, feels vulnerable in an unsafe world.
- | FASTIDIOUS, obsessed with order and tidiness. Fault finding.
- | Violence, self-torture, pulls her hair, bites her nails, suicidal
impulses, mania, wants to be held. Suicidal. Impulse to kill, fear of
- | Selfish. Seeking security.
- | Demanding help, company.
- | Delusion that she is being watched. Hears voices and sees animals, after
taking alcohol.
- | Mixture of depression and irritation.
- | Immaculate outer appearance.
- | Extremely
CHILLY, wants to be wrapped up warmly, hugs the fire. Chilly with rheumatic
complaints, warm blooded in headaches.
- | Great prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital forces, out of
proportion to the rest of his illness.
- | BURNING pains, affected parts burn like fire, pains maddening, even felt
during sleep, cause shortness of breath.
Burning > heat, hot drinks, hot applications.
- | Thirst - Burning, for cold water, but it lies like a stone in stomach,
drinks often but little at a time, it can't assimilate, gurgling in
oesophagus when drinking.
- | Thirstlessness in chronic diseases.
- | Cannot bear smell, sight or thought of food. (Colch, Sepia).
- | Discharges of mucous membranes |
coryza, saliva,
Putrid cadaveric odours of discharges.
- | Haemorrhages - black, offensive.
- | Tendency to ulcerations, phagedenic with intense burning. WEAKNESS and
emaciation rapid.
- | Dryness of skin, or rough like parchment, lips dry, dry gangrene. Scanty
- | Sleep- RESTLESS, anxious, disturbed, talks in sleep.
- | Dreams of death, full of care, sorrow and fear.
- | Periodicity: midday or midnight, every day, 3rd/4th day, every fortnight,
every 6 weeks, every year etc.
- | Hydrogenoid - < water in any form e.g. watery fruits, damp places, etc.
- | Craving - sour, brandy, coffee, milk.
- | Aversion - sweets, butter, fat, meat.
- | Dropsical states - anasarca, skin pale, waxy or earth coloured. Acts as a
- | Head - Headache congestive > cold temporarily.
- | Restless head, it is in constant motion.
- | Early graying and falling of hair.
- | Eye - Oedema around eyes.
- | Burning with acrid lachrymation.
- | Everything appears green, sees as through a white gauze.
- | Face - pale, anxious, sunken, hippocratic, tearing needle-like pains,
covered with cold sweat.
bluish white, taste bitter to water, after drinking or eating
sour, saltish, sweet in morning.
- | Vomiting and stools simultaneously < eating and drinking.
Vomiting immediately after eating or drinking of (especially cold) water or
mucus to bile, blood and coffee ground substances.
- | Rectum - Haemorrhoids with stitching pain < walking or sitting, not at
stool, with burning pain < by heat.
Rice water, foul, small, acrid, involuntary, burning, black,
mucus, lienteric, cadaveric.
< cold drinks with prostration.
- | Nose - Thin, watery, excoriating nasal discharges, sneezing without relief.
- | Respiratory system - Cough dry <-> (alternates with) loose, dry at night, < drinking
> sitting up.
- | Asthmatic breathing < after 12 o'clock, unable to lie down for fear of
suffocation, > sitting up / bent forward.
- | Darting pain through upper third of right lung.
- | Extremities - Sciatica > walking, > hot application.
- | Skin - Dry, scaly, cold, blue, wrinkled, like parchment, burning pain,
black vesicles.
- | Psoriasis or gangrenous inflammations, itching without eruption.
- | Fever - Low grade, like typhoid.
- | Externally cold with internal burning.
- | Coldness in spots > open air.
- | Dyspnoea with chill, sweat with great thirst. |
Restlessness mentally, but physically too weak.
- Rapid prostration, out of proportion to disease.
- < after midnight.
- Burning thirst for sips of cold water at short interval.
- Burning pains > heat.
- | Old
broken down constitutions, extremely prostrated, chilly, who hug the fire
all the time with evidence of destruction of tissues causing ulcerations,
putridity, acridity or irritability.
- | Mentally anxious and restless with great anguish and fears especially of
death. A mixture between depression and irritation. |
- Thirst.
- < after midnight.
- Burning > heat.
- Anxiety and anguish.
- | Lower
potencies are used in malignant tissue and blood diseases.
- | Higher potencies for nervous and mental ailments.
- | Shouldn't be used in patients with low vitality even though characteristic
symptoms are present, as it may produce rapid death without pain.
- | Post partum retention of urine.- Dr. Chaudhary
- | As a diuretic in all forms of dropsy. - Dr. Bahr.
- | When peptic ulcer is at the pyloric end - Dr. Pope
- | For the very severe form of multiple neuritis with paralysis, Ars. 30
will be called for. - Dr. Joseph. T. O. Conner.
- | Ars. is proved specific to conteract effects of penicillin - Dr. M. B.
- | For pellagra, in low potency - Dr. Honder Shiles.
- | Ars. for nail biting - Dr. Dixm. |
Complementary: All-s, Carb-v, Phos
Followed Well By: Aran-d, Iod, Nux-v, Rhus-t, Sulph
Follows Well: Acon, Arn, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb-v, Cinch, Ferr, Hep,
Iod, Ip, Lach, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Sulph, Verat
Similar: Acon, Apoc, Arg-n, Ars-m, Bell, Bism, Calc, Cann-i, Carb-v,
Cinch, Ferr, Hyos, Ip, Kreos, Lach, Lyc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sil,
Tab, Verat
Antidoted By: Camph, Chin, Chin-s, Ferr, Graph, Hep, Iod, Ip, Nux-v,
Sambu, Tab, Verat
It Antidotes: Carb-v, Chin, Ferr, Graph, Hep, Iod, Ip, Lach, Merc,
Nux-v, Phos, Samb, Stry, Tab, Verat