Glandular. Sour. Soft. Delayed. Faulty bony development - open fontanelles.
of lime.
remedy is a trituration of the middle layer of the oyster shell.
- | Alcohol, cold, moist winds, self abuse, injury to lower spine, overlifting, strains, mental strain, loss of fluids, suppressed sweat, suppressed menses,
suppressed eruptions, fright, dentition, cold bathing. |
- | Diseases arising from defective assimilation and ossification. |
> | Dry climate and weather
> | Wiping or soothing with hands
> | Lying on painful side, on back
- | Hard
working, overworking, capable, conscientious, over-responsible, take on too
much. < Getting overworked. Life is completing your task-list. Cannot
- | Works to exhaustion, then must give up his job all together.
- | Restlessness (nervous and in typhoid fever).
- | Practical, down to earth.
- | Timid and restless as if an evil was impending over her, weakness of mind,
lack of confidence and determination.
- | FEARS:HIGH PLACES, MICE, insects, rats, spiders, dogs, dark, INFECTION,
CANCER, poverty, claustrophobia, earthquakes, storms, accidents, LOSING
unknown. Many small fears.
- | Fears she has a fatal disease, especially heart disease, fear of being
- | Evil forebodings, talks of mice, rats, murders.
- | Great apprehension which < towards evening, fears that she will loose her
reason and people will notice her mental confusion, very forgetful.
- | Anxiety about health, future. Worry about small things.
- | Dejected and melancholic, great anguish with palpitation. Sees visions on
closing eyes (so, useful in delirium tremens) cries out, twitches, grasps at
flocks, anxious though unconscious.
- | Indifference, apathy to conversation, aversion to others. Tendency to make
mistakes in speaking and to take one word for another.
- | Peevish, always obstinate and self willed, aversion and repugnance to work
with great irritability.
- | Solitude is a burden to her, with coldness of face, of hands and feet. Great
desire to be magnetised (Phos, Sil).
- | The least mental excitement causes profuse return of menstrual flow.
- | Weeping disposition even about trifles, variation and lamentation on account
of old offences, disposition to take everything in bad part.
- | Horrible things, sad stories affect them profoundly.
- | < Narrating her complaints.
- | Inability to apply himself, sits and breaks sticks all day long.
- | Preoccupation with metaphysical concerns, such as life after death,
reincarnation, etc. |
- | Constitution-
Children with cold feet, emaciated extremities, enlarged abdomen, stomach
distended like an inverted saucer. Cold and sensitive to cold. Pale, waxy
face, large head, open fontanelles and sutures. Sweats easily, specially on
back side of the head and neck, wets the pillow. For swollen glands.
- | Fat, fair, flabby, patient who becomes easily fatigued and tired on walking,
much sweating, slow in movement.
- | Calcarea has the following definite pictures in provings:
- | First is the teething picture, in addition to above mentioned, the gums are
swollen throbbing, sore, dentition is delayed. Milk disagrees and vomits sour
water, sour curds, soreness runs through the remedy, teething cough.
- | Second picture is of rickets, a fat, fair, pallid child dumped down onto a
chair, sits there, no wriggling down to wander about, dull, sweats
exceedingly even in cold or cold room.
- | Third picture is of anaemia. The leucophlegmatic patient, puffy with a frog
hand so boneless, so moist and cold. Patient is weak, with palpitation,
breathless, sensation of chest too full of blood, head too full of blood.
- | Fourth type is the tuberculosis type - Hard swollen glands, submaxillary, in
both groins, ulcers with induration about them. Night sweats.
- | Physically two body types: Obese, flabby.
Thin, lean.
- | Very active, healthy old people.
- | COLDNESS in general and of single parts, of head, of stomach, legs, which
are habitually cold and damp as if they had a cold damp stocking on.
- | SLOWNESS in development, in teething, in walking, in learning and grasping.
Movements are slow, cannot tolerate exertion, mental and physical.
- | SOURNESS of discharges, eructations, stools, sweat, whole body smells sour.
- | Defective bone development, imperfect ossification, curvature of bones, open
- | Glandular enlargement, inflammation, induration of all lymph glands.
- | Tendency to growth of polyps in nose, ear, vagina, bladder.
- | Tendency to excoriation and ulceration of skin.
- | Desire: SWEETS, sugar, ice cream, salt, SOFT BOILED EGGS, starch.
- | Craves eggs especially during sickness or convalescence, for indigestible
things (Alum, Nit-ac, Cina, Cic, Psor)-chalk, pencils, eggs, farinaceous
- | Longing for fresh air (Puls, Sulph).
- | Aversion to meat (Graph, Alum, Puls, Mur-ac), boiled things, milk disagrees,
fat food, coffee, slimy food, hot food.
- | Head - Icy coldness in and on the head, much perspiration, wets the pillow.
- | Big head with large hard abdomen, open fontanelles.
- | Scratches head on waking.
- | Thick, foul, milk crusts with swollen cervical glands.
- | Vertigo - on high places, on turning head quickly.
- | Face - Lines, squares, across forehead.
- | Eyes - Dilatation of pupils, great photophobia.
- | Ear - Recurrent otitis, right side (Bell - acute).
- | Polyps in ears which bleed easily.
- | Mucopurulent otorrhoea with enlarged glands.
- | Nose - POLYPS, with swelling at the root of nose.
- | Allergy, especially right sided.
- | Takes cold at every change of weather, swelling of nose, upper lip in
- | Swelled nose and upper lip (Bar-c, Sulph).
- | Mouth - Persistent sour taste. Mouth fills with sour water.
- | Offensive smell from mouth.
- | Dryness of tongue with great thirst in afternoon.
- | Bleeding gums, toothache < current of air, cold or hot, while eating.
- | Throat - Goitre. Thyroid problems, especially hyperthyroid state.
- | Swelling of tonsils with stitches on swallowing.
- | Stomach - Nervous eating.
- | Frequent sour eructations, sour vomiting, loss of appetite when overworked.
- | Cramps in stomach, heart burn and loud belching.
- | Stomach swollen like an inverted saucer is very painful to pressure.
- | < Eating while; pressure cold water.
- | Abdomen - Gall - stone colic, liver region painful < stooping.
- | Distention with hardness < slightest pressure, tight clothing around
- | Inguinal and mesenteric glands swollen and painful.
- | Rectum - Habitually constipated, feels better in every way when constipated.
- | Constipation, without urge.
- | Stools hard, large, has to be removed mechanically (Aloe, Sanic, Sel, Sep,
Sil) first hard, then pasty, then liquid.
- | Children's diarrhoea, sour with undigested food.
- | Male genitalia - Frequent emission, premature ejaculation, weakness,
irritability after coition.
- | Female genitalia - For women whose first menstruation is at very early age.
- | Fibroids in uterus, myoma.
- | Menses too early, too profuse, too long.
- | Menses return with slightest mental excitement.
- | Menses with vertigo, toothache, cold and damp feet.
- | Before menses - headache, colic, chilliness, leucorrhoea, tender breast
- | Leucorrhoea - milky (Sep), acrid in young girls(Caul).
- | For too abundant milk flow or deficient milk flow.
- | Respiration - Painless hoarseness < morning.
- | Breathlessness, suffocating spells, tightness and soreness in chest <
going upstairs, must sit up.
- | Chest sensitive to touch, percussion and pressure.
- | Tickling cough < night. Free expectoration in morning and daytime.
Expectoration thick, yellow, sour, bloody, scanty, sour.
- | For tuberculosis in tall, slender rapidly growing young people.
- | Affection of upper third of right lung.
- | Back - Curvature of spine. Pott's disease.
- | Backache as if sprained from overlifting.
- | Pain in joints with arthritic nodosites.
- | Extremities - Cold, clammy hands and feet.
- | COLD DAMP FEET on going to sleep, get warm during night, uncovers them,
- | Nails brittle, distorted and break or peel easily.
- | Sensation as if damp stockings were on.
- | Cold damp feet, soles of feet raw.
- | Sleep - Sleepless after 3 a.m.
- | Some disagreeable thought always arouses from light slumber.
- | Perspiration - PROFUSE. Sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting the pillow
far around, mostly on back of head and neck or chest and upper part of the
- | Sweating on single parts.
- | Rawness of soles from perspiration, blisters and offensive foot sweat.
- | Skin - Unhealthy skin, every injury tends to suppurate.
- | Small wounds do not heal early.
- | Easy sweating, cold clammy skin.
- | Skin cold, like a snake.
- | Babies - Pillow wet from perspiration of neck.
- | Sour perspiration, stool.
- | Slow closing of fontanelles.
- | Serious. Ask about religious things.
- | Intelligent, but slow comprehension.
- | Avoid physical activities.
- | Glandular swellings. Frequent colds.
- | Constipation, feels better by it.
- | Epilepsy - Aura spreading up from the solar plexus where seizure comes on
immediately or it may be like a mouse running on the arm or running down from
epigastrium into uterus or limbs. |
- Head
sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around.
- During the sickness or convalescence, great longing for eggs or
indigestible things.
- Menses with cold, damp feet, as if they had a cold, damp stocking on.
- The least mental excitement causes profuse return of menstrual flow.
- Painless hoarseness < morning.
- Feels better in every way when constipated.
- Desire to be magnetised.
- | Fat,
fair, flabby blondes who sweat profusely on head, chest, during sleep.
- | Sour smelling discharges.
- | Defective nutrition and assimilation causing anaemia, glandular swellings,
weakness and curvature of bones, lax and flabby muscles.
- | Easy sweating, profuse discharges - usually sour.
- | Late in teething and walking. |
- Fat,
fair, flabby persons.
- Extremely sensitive to cold.
- Craving for eggs and indigestible things.
- Profuse sweating especially about the head.
- Sourness of discharges.
- Feels better in every way when constipated.
- Menses return from the slightest mental excitement.
- | Should
never be used before Sulphur, acts best after Sulphur.
- | Adenopathy, Arthritis, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Colds, Connective tissue
disease, Constipation, Mononucleosis, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy,
Nasal polyps, Otitis media, Phobic disorder, Premenstrual syndrome,
Scleroderma, Scoliosis, Seizure disorder, Systemic lupus, Tonsillitis,
Uterine fibroid. |
Complementary: Bell
Followed Well By: Lyc, Nux-v, Phos, Plat, Sil
Follows Well: Cham, Chin, Con, Cupr, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Puls, Sulph
Inimical: Bry
Compare: Acon, Adren, Alum, Ambr, Aml-n, Ant-c, Anthr, Apis, Arg-n,
Ars, Aur, Bapt, Bar-c, Bell, Berb, Brom, Bruc, Bry, Calc, Cann-s, Carb-v,
Caul, Cham, Chin-s, Cinch, Clem, Croc, Cupr, Cur, Dios, Dros, Dulc, Gels,
Gins, Glon, Goss, Graph, Ham, Hep, Ign, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lach, Laur, Led,
Lept, Lil-t, Lyc, Maland, Med, Merc, Mosch, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nat-s, Nit- ac,
Nit-ac, Nux-m, Nux-v, Olnd, Phos, Pic-ac, Podo, Psor, Puls, Ran-b, Rhus-t,
Rumx, Sang, Sanic, Scir, Sec, Selen, Sep, Sil, Spig, Stry, Sul-ac, Sulph,
Thuj, Ust, Valer, Verat, Vib
Antidoted By: Camph, Ip, Nit-ac, Nit-s-d, Nux-v, Sulph
It Antidotes: Bism, Chin, Chin-s, Dig, Mez, Nit-ac, Phos